Feb 3, 2023
Close-up of the Porsche emblem on the front of a vehicle

Image via Pixabay.

Your Porsche is a superior vehicle, and to keep it operating at the peak of efficiency, you need regular services. Your Porsche dealership in Mobile, AL has the trained technicians and the technology to maintain your car. These are a few of the many services we have available for your Porsche.

Radiator Servicing and Repairs

Your highly efficient Porsche engine operates best at a high temperature. Combustion and the movement of hundreds of components generate immense quantities of heat, and this heat must be controlled. If the engine temperature is allowed to rise too high, it can damage sensitive components like the cylinders, pistons, and gaskets.

The radiator is the center of your cooling system, but heat, pressure, and time can cause wear and damage. Radiator hoses can leak, the radiator can become clogged with debris, or cooling system components can fail. Fortunately, when you regularly service your Porsche cooling system, these are problems you’ll never encounter as we’ll repair them before they cause any damage.

Oil Changes

Your engine depends on oil for many reasons, the most essential of which is lubrication. The hundreds of moving parts in your engine all depend on oil to allow them to move smoothly and effortlessly. The oil protects the various parts against friction damage, reduces rust and dirt buildup, and allows your engine to work as efficiently as possible.

Regular oil changes are important for your engine, as oil gradually breaks down and loses its properties over time. Oil also absorbs dirt and other debris, which can clog vulnerable parts of your engine. When we change your oil, we test it to determine any possible problem in the engine. Once we’ve confirmed all is well, we refill your engine with clean oil and replace the oil filter.

Transmission Services

Your transmission converts the immense power of your Porsche engine into a usable form to move the wheels. The transmission is a highly complex piece of engineering that uses a series of gears of diminishing sizes to fine-tune the power that’s sent to your wheels. Transmissions are very strong, but they still require regular servicing to ensure they’re always working at peak capacity.

We test the transmission fluid and then replace it, and we carefully examine all the components for signs of wear or damage. Our technicians will clean and replace the transmission pan and its gaskets to ensure a perfect air-tight seal. We also remove and replace the transmission filter to allow transmission fluid to flow smoothly and easily throughout the transmission.

We have many other services available, each geared to maintaining the health and longevity of your Porsche. Call our service department today at Porsche Mobile.